Mercalef SAC., Is a Peruvian company that started operations in 2012 with the purpose of promoting the products of Peru in the World and with the clear aim of being an exporter of food products in front of Peru to the global market .

Our main product are the seafood products in general and in all its forms , we cover the entire coast of Peru , offering customers outside the highest quality of fresh seafood , frozen , processed .

Mercalef SAC,  means experience, being expert in the international market with sales to markets in North America , Central and South America, Europe and Asia.

One element that characterizes Mercalef SAC , are a great professional team , endowed with great experience and knowledge of international markets. Our business philosophy is to satisfy our customers nesecidades , offering direct contact and personalized service , taking care of the quality of our exports.

Mission and Vision

We have a highly qualified professional team that is in a constant process of research and development into new value-added products to meet the demands of our customers worldwide nive .

The aim of Mercalef SAC is based on providing frozen and processed seafood products of high quality and meet the demand of our customers. Our supply chain provides us with fresh raw materials , high technology , machinery and a very careful process that allows us to ensure appropriate process of our products.



Mercalef SAC is a company specialized in production , processing and sales of high quality seafood products under the highest international standards certificates, we have offices in Lima ( Callao port ) and the city of Piura (Puerto de Paita )


Paita is located on the north coast of Peru and is the second largest port in the country. The Peruvian sea is rich in marine species and has one of the greatest natural riches of the world ..

Mercalef SAC offers Processing , and Storage Frozen Seafood Products for which applies various controls and modern techniques of quality assurance as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
  1. FISH:

    Different fish taken from the Peruvian Sea can be classified into :

    • WHITE FISH:Those that have low fat content as the sole , hake , mackerel , etc.
    • Blue Fish:Those that are high in fats like Bonito, Mackerel , Salmon , Sardine, etc.
    • Flat Fish : Those who are making plans to live in the background. As fish living in very shallow depths, are very apt to be raised in fish farms. Examples of these the sole , turbot and Gallo.


    Class of marine invertebrates within the category of molluscs. There are about 800 species commonly called octopus, squid , cuttlefish and nautilus .
    Los moluscos son animales invertebrados marinos que tienen un cuerpo blando. Dentro de esta categoría están los Moluscos Univalvos o gasterópodos- una concha- como la Lapa, el Caracol, Locos, etc.
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